Monday 18 January 2010

Audience Research

Also when thinking about my target audience it was important that i focused on not just the age and gender of the audience but that i carefully considered their identity. Looking at the attitudes ( how they act/behave) also their values( what they consider important to them) and finally their beliefs ( what they believe is morally right, factually right/wrong).
In order for me to get a full insight into the target audience of my particular genre which is indie music i aslo thought about other elements of media that they were maybe influenced by. For example websites, t.v programmes, radio stations, clothes they wear and the shops they shop in and finally any other hobbies or interests that they have.
Whilst carrying out this research i came across a t.v programme called 'skins' and i felt this was something that people of this genre would watch and relate too. It is a programme all about a bunch of teenagers at school who like to live the 'rock and roll' lifestyle. They enjoy to go out partying and just generally having a laugh. Although there are things in this programme which represent real life factors and events. For example teenage pregnancy, drug taking, getting into trouble with the law and also issues like parents splitting up. In this programme its all about breaking the rules and living on the edge and not giving a care in the world to what anyone else thinks.
Also i looked at other areas of media texts that may influence my particular genre. For example magazines like NME and Q. These maagazines are presented and in a similar way that i aiming to present my ideas. They are edgy and musically are of the same genre. These magazines contain the same genre of music that i am aiming to attract an audience of this will also relate to radio stations like Kerrang And NME where they can listen to the particular genre of music that they enjoy.
Also i looked at things such as concerts as generally if someone is willing to buy a music magazine of the genre that they are particular interested in then they will be interested in live music such as concerts and festivals. A good example of this would be a festival like Reading and Leeds where they experience the whole live music all weekend. Also another example of festtival that may appeal would be Gladstonbury as this is a festival that caters for all music tastes but includes a specific tent or stage for the indie genre. But it is also appealing to my audience because of the way for the weekend they can live the 'rock and roll' lifestyle, camping with their friends, drinking and enjoying the music that they believe is a big part of their lives. It's not just festivals that are appealing to this genre of music but its also general gigs and these are anything from local up and coming bands to huge world wide recognised musicians.
Another thing that i researched when thinking about my audience was the places in which they shop and purchase their clothes in order for them to reach the image that gives them that 'indie' feel. Shops like topshop are a huge appeal to my audience and give them inspiration and confidence to wear more 'individual' styles of clothing. Also they may use internet sites like ebay and such places to find more edgy and vintage looking clothing. This way they can can get the look that fits in with the music scene. Places like Portobello market in London tend to attract the Topshop and ebay type of shoppers. Here you can purchase many vintage pieces from fur coats to handbags. Especially as this is somewhere that it's all one off pieces this is an attracting feature because of the way in which everyone in this scene of music likes to consider themselves individual and one off.

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